Commercial Powerflush Process Machinery

Dynamic Flushing

Keep Your Pumps In Place,
Optimise Your System

Heat Plate Exchanger

De-Scaling & De-Sludging of Plate Heat Exchangers

Efficient Heating with Plate Heat Exchangers

Commercial Powerflush Steam

General Commercial

Efficient Heat Transfer with Heat Interface Units

Underfloor heating

Underfloor Heating
Power Flushing

A problem with the underfloor heating is one of the commercial landlord's worst nightmares.

Does My System Need A Powerflush?

Knowing whether you need a power flush for your heating system can save you from potential costly repairs in the future. Here are some common signs that suggest you might require a power flush:

How Does Power Flushing Work

Power flushing is a process that cleans your central heating system. It's used to remove debris, sludge, and rust that accumulate over time and can cause your radiators to become less efficient. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to power flush your radiators.

A Quick Guide To
Power flushing

Powerflushing is purely and simply a way of removing the rust that slowly builds up in your heating system and boiler over time. Water, chemicals, powerflush equipment and an experienced plumber are used to remove the rust and sludge from your central heating. The flow of the machine is reversed from time to time using special three-way valves attached to the flushing pump. This is an extra step to help clean the pipes and radiators.

Yes,  at the end of each job we will give or post a certificate to you.

The reason that happens is generally one of two things:

1. Your pump has failed or is stuck. The water can’t circulate and therefore the water that is in the heat exchanger will boil very quickly. In some older boilers in particular it takes a while for the thermostat in the boiler to turn the gas off. In modern condensing boilers the thermostats are more sensitive and will extinguish the boiler flame quickly.
2. There is a blockage in the main flow or return pipework, or with the water ways in the boiler heat exchanger which is either completely or partially blocking the flow of water through the boiler – so the water in the boiler starts to boil and make steam again. Hence the popping, hisses and bangs.

If you have seen someone else’s system power flushed you will know what an amazing amount of rust and radiator sludge can come out, in all shapes and sizes. But, contrary to popular belief the vast majority of the sludge that you see does not come from your boiler. Most non-condensing boilers (those installed before 2006) have cast-iron heat exchangers and they, by and large, do not rust. The vast majority or rust and/or sludge in your heating comes from the radiators themselves as they are made from mild-steel.

Yes, there are other ways of cleaning your central heating system, but they are nowhere near as effective as using a the right machine when it is used by a competent and experienced heating engineer. You can add any chemical cleaner in to the system, leave for up to four weeks (Warning:careful here if you have micro-bore pipework) and then open up the system drain-cocks and let the water run out.
When you do that the only force moving the water out of the system is gravity and that will not pick up any larger bits of rust. Those will be left in nooks and crannies.

Commercial Power Flush UK

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In many business premises, corrosion inside the heating system will take place over many years. This can lead to higher heating bills for the company because of the inefficiency of the heating system and its poor function. If radiators take a long time to heat up, a power flush is probably necessary to return the system to a high level of operation.